Informacion sobre la diabetes pdf handout

Its important to understand how your medications work and why you may be taking more than one medication. The pediatric diabetes specialists at riley at iu health want to help you and your child create an individualized plan for managing your childs diabetes at home, and that includes helping you adjust your familys typical food and activity schedule to meet your childs nutritional needs. Healthy nutrition is a major part of managing your childs diabetes. To find a diabetes educator contact the american association of diabetes educators at 8008326874. Getting the best support from a diabetes prevention. Diabetes is a progressive disease, and the treatment may change over time, requiring oral medication. Your doctor will work with you to find the best options for you. This handout explains what they can expect during and after pregnancy. Facing heart disease or stroke or caring for someone who is. The more you know, the easier it will be to stay healthy. Es normal dar a luz a su bebe en cualquier momento entre 37 y 42 semanas. General information and national estimates on diabetes in. Youll be more confident about taking medications if you understand them.

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